Crystal Unegbu (IVP)

My name is Crystal Unegbu and I am seeking your consideration and support for the position of the Rice Student Association Internal Vice President! 

While at Rice, I have served in the SA as the External Vice President, Director of Government Relations, and New Student Representative for Hanszen. As IVP, I hope to focus on building bridges between the SA and student body, increasing commission productivity, and influencing future leaders within our campus community. 

Building Bridges: In-person connections are very important to me. Hence, I plan to organize events that encourage students to seek involvement within the SA, and host town halls to stay informed about concerns within prevalent student groups.

Commission Reformation: To promote efficiency in the SA commissions, I suggest a structure that prioritizes interactive fieldwork to invite more diverse perspectives, cohesion between commission heads through collaboration, and implementing accountability measures for timely project progressions. 

Influencing Future Leaders: To ease the entry of new student representatives into the SA, I aim to revamp the NSR program, offering them a more immersive experience that better prepares them for higher leadership roles.

By focusing on these key areas, I am confident that I can create a more connected, transparent, and effective SA that truly represents the diverse needs of our students. 

A vote for me is the crystal clear choice, so let’s shine bright with this Crystal as your IVP!


Imogen Brown (KTRU Station Manager)


Riya Yarlagadda (HC Soph Rep)