Calla Doh (Secretary)

My name is Calla Doh and I’m a freshman from Hanszen studying Environmental Science! I lived more than half my life in South Korea before moving to Virginia (right outside DC).

As your SA Secretary, I’m eager to help drive tangible, lasting change at Rice in the realms of campus sustainability, food insecurity, support for LGBTQ+ students, and student life by tirelessly advocating for students’ voices and areas of concern. Likewise, I’m excited to support student advocacy efforts across campus and mobilize the student body to meaningfully engage with the Student Association through robust avenues of collaboration and communication. I’m committed to increasing transparency around SA’s internal reform to build better trust and engagement with the student body.

My prior and ongoing leadership experience embodies my enterprising spirit, passion, and love of working with people that would make me a strong SA Secretary! Here at Rice, I serve as one of the New Student Representatives for Hanszen; I’ve been able to deeply familiarize myself with how SA operates and how we can drive meaningful change across campus. I also co-founded a chapter of the Food Recovery Network that’s focused on reducing food waste and food insecurity on campus through food recovery efforts and food advocacy work. In addition, I am currently involved in the SA Environmental Commission where I help organize sustainability-related events across campus.


Chelsea Asibbey (Secretary)


Jenny Liu + Gillian Gravatt (RWRC Director)