Morgan Toran, Priya Armour and Hannah Wixom ( Rice Rally President)

As your Rice Rally Club presidents, our commitment to you is that we will continue to make Rice sporting events fun and exciting for the student body at Rice. We will work hard to create new and fresh ideas, and by working alongside the South Main Squad and Rice Athletics, we will strive to uphold our mission statement: “Rice Rally Club is a student run organization who strives to build a positive and inclusive culture surrounding our athletic teams, events, and athletes. We are a community of Owls Athletics supporters working to build school spirit, enhance the student experience at athletic events and hype up all sports teams by cheering on our student-athletes on and off the playing fields. We will aim to promote a positive culture for all sports so that the Rice community will enjoy attending games and events.” We look forward to serving you all as presidents.  Rice Fight Never Dies!

– Morgan Toran, Priya Armour and Hannah Wixom


Annie Ribordy (RPC President)


Trevor Tobey (President)