Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Commission

Mission Statement:

To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion via advocacy and initiatives across Rice’s campus. To encourage progress both in the structure of Rice as well as in its community to ensure that every student, faculty, and staff member finds a home here.


  • Recommend changes in CDOD curriculum to make it more inclusive and effective at engaging students in critical dialogues surrounding diversity

  • Propose changes in syllabi across campus to make them more inclusive to our diverse student population

    • Gender diversity addendum

    • Absences related to transitioning addendum

  • Recommend changes in O-Week advisor training doorjams to better train advisors for complex DEI-related situations where they may have to step in

  • Proposing suggestions to faculty senate about having more transgender/GNC student inclusive housing at res colleges/on campus. Request to review architectural plans for new res colleges to incorporate more inclusive housing within them

  • Collaborate with DEI to develop a more robust training for faculty cultural competency (collaboration w Avery Hartwell)

  • Collaborate with H&D, OISS, and various cultural clubs to promote events for major cultural holidays.

  • Develop a “Racism in Healthcare” certificate for pre-medical students/students interested in medical careers to give them a more thorough understanding of the importance of DEI in healthcare

  • Collaborate with Rice PRIDE to host an LGBTQ+ Screw-yer-Roomate!!

  • Look for and advocate for ways to make O-Week more inclusive as a whole

Every goal/project will be assigned to its own subcommittee consisting of 1-2 heads and 3-4 members, at a minimum.

Subcommittees from last year that we will likely be carrying forward (given member interest):

  • O-Week/AT inclusivity/doorjams and CDOD

  • Transgender/GNC student inclusive housing (+ LGBTQ+ screw planning if PRIDE wants to collab)

  • International/cultural affinity

  • Faculty cultural competency + racism in healthcare certificate

Minimum/Maximum Number of Members:

  • Minimum: 7

  • Maximum: 12

Criteria for Selecting Members:

  • Displayed interest and passion for DEI issues

  • Time and willingness (especially if they apply to be a subcommittee head)

Excused vs Unexcused Absences for Meetings

  • Excused if notified at least 24 hours in advance with a valid reason (sickness, mandatory appointment that is not recurring during the same time, etc.) OR if an emergency

  • Unexcused if not notified at least 24 hours in advance

  • More than 3 unexcused absences → removed from commission

Where/How often meetings will take place:

  • Commission-wide meetings weekly in Murt PDR

  • Sub-committee meetings are up to the sub-committee head’s discretion (either weekly or bi-weekly)

  • Day of the week/time will be finalized via whentomeet once commission members are finalized

  • Communication Methods:

  • GroupMe/text for quick communication

  • Emails for general announcements/larger discussions

  • All documents will be stored in Google Drive

Chair vs. Vice Chair Responsibilities:

  • Chair will fulfill all responsibilities outlined in terms of communication with IVP/SA

  • Chair and Vice Chair will split all directly commission-related responsibilities evenly

    • Chair and Vice Chair will communicate with each other as tasks come up

Commission Board


Sohani Sandhu

Hi everyone! My name is Sohani and I am a junior at McMurtry College majoring in Biosciences and Philosophy on the pre-med track. I am so excited to be this year's Chair of the SA DEI Commission! My involvement with this amazing commission started in my freshman year, when I joined as an NSR. I loved this organization and its work so much that I became the Vice Chair of the commission last year and am now the Chair! I am extremely passionate about making Rice a place where DEI can thrive in every way, and I look forward to advocating for this cause through my continued role in this commission!

Email: sks15@rice.edu

Vice Chair

Katherine Painter

My name is Katherine Painter, and I am a sophomore from Brown College, majoring in psychology and minoring in entrepreneurship and PLST on the pre-law track. I am so excited to be the Vice Chair of the DEI Commission this year and to continue working towards a more equitable and inclusive campus!

Email: klp10@rice.edu